Forest Green Glass Collection 1950s-1960s |
Anchor Hocking
"Roly Poly"
Forest Green Glass
Why Wait for Christmas to Use it?
The Forest Green Collection was primarily collected for use on holidays and were heavily promoted for use at Christmas time. This Saint Patricks Day, drink your beer from a green glass for a little "Luck of the Irish."
Forest Green Glass by Philip L. Hopper
This is a very good book which presents
an important part of Anchor Hocking's glass production, the dark "Forest Green"
styles made from the late 1950s through the mid-1960s. The history and variety
of Forest Green glassware is precisely documented here, covering seventeen
established patterns, many boxed sets, and a myriad of accessory pieces such as
relish sets, ashtrays, lamps, vases, pitchers, and tumblers. These and many
other styles are beautifully presented in over 300 gorgeous color photographs.
Many pages of historical documentation are included to make this the most
comprehensive reference guide to Anchor Hocking's Forest Green glassware.
It is available on
ISBN: 0764310585 Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
Like Green Glass? You Are Not Alone.
Here are some other resources.